Discover your design style workshop


Meeting title: Discovering your design style workshop
Presentation and management of the session: Mr. Mustafa Lotfy
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024
the hour : 4 pm
Location: The house of Mr. Abdullah Abbas Al Sharbatly

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Sharbatly House Interviews

the description

Discover your design style workshop

Presentation and management of the session: a. Mustafa Lotfy


M. Rasha Soleimani

M. Fatima Al-Shafi’i

M. Reem Al Jabri

M. Name it Mouawad

M. Manar Al-Attas

the site:

Jeddah, the house of Mr. Abdullah Abbas Al Sharbatly

The appointment:

Tuesday, June 4 at 4 pm

Terms and Conditions:

  • Arrive 15 minutes before the meeting.
  • ⁠And adherence to best practices and ethics.

Cancellation Policy:

Amounts are non-refundable in the event of cancellation.


تُطبَّق سياسة الإرجاع وإلغاء الحجز وفقًا لما هو مذكور في وصف المنتج عند الشراء، أو حسب الاتفاق مع المنظم الرئيسي للفعالية. ويرجى العلم بأنَّ هذه السياسة قد تختلف من برنامج إلى آخر.