
Positive whispers


Event Title: Positive Whispers
the hour : 8:30PM to 9:30PM
the date : Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Location: 12 Senses Café

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Positive whispers


Meeting topics:

  • Whispers to the family.
  • Whispers to oneself.
  • Whispers for the future.
  • Whispers of the past.


(Naif bin Salman Al-Saqr)

  • Ambassador of the Fifth International Conference on Persons with Disabilities and Rehabilitation 2018.
  • Founding member of the Shafi’a Association for teaching the Holy Quran and its sciences to people with disabilities.
  • Training consultant at Sky Professional Training Center.

The appointment:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Hour: 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM

the site:

Riyadh, 12 Senses Café

Terms and Conditions:

  • The event includes filming of the event and submitting your ticket reservation means agreeing to use the photos or videos in any way related to the café.



تُطبَّق سياسة الإرجاع وإلغاء الحجز وفقًا لما هو مذكور في وصف المنتج عند الشراء، أو حسب الاتفاق مع المنظم الرئيسي للفعالية. ويرجى العلم بأنَّ هذه السياسة قد تختلف من برنامج إلى آخر.